Parade Day 2004
As it is tradition with my Montreal Posse, we went out on Sunday to watch the parade and enjoy the company of thousands of Irish Wannabes (pronounced wah-NAH-bees). As our meteorological luck would have it, we had another lovely sunnyish day (for the fifth or sixth year in a row by my reckoning).
Kensington and I met up for brunch at a friend's place in NDG and then headed down to Ste. Catherine's street near Crescent to meet up with Aengus and Drew. The parade itself was okay, with lots of bands and hastily constructed floats. But there's something about having kids with you (Aengus' son and Drew's son) that makes it alot more fun.
After the parade was done, Kensington, Drew, and I followed the parade out to get to the Old Dublin pub. For Kensington and I, having a pint at the Old Dublin is a bit of nostalgia. Back when the Old D was the only pub in town, we spent many an evening there listening to
Brendan Nolan play ("
Seven Old Ladies!", "No!!!").
We actually spent more time at the Old D than I expected, but that's because we ran into the vivacious Angelica. She was being hailed as the queen that she was by a troupe of American firefighters (some from New York, some from New Hampshire). They had just spent the last few hours marking their territory around Angelica, so they were none too pleased about having two hot Montreal men show up, which pleased me to no end.
At one point, Angelica sat at a booth and invited Kensington and I to sit with her. Almost immediately, the claws came out of these Americans and a couple of them lumbered their way to us. "Who the fuck are you to sit there?" one of them growled (let's call him Biff).
Angelica waved them away with a royal swish of her hand "They're with me guys. They're with me."
They obeyed her, but only grudgingly. But Biff stayed there and swayed uncertainly, pointing a finger at me. "Well don't get comfortable in that seat. And by the way, FUCK YOU!"
It's amazing the amount of judgement that can happen in a split second. Here I am, sitting in my favorite watering hole that I've been visiting for over ten years, being addressed by some yahoo who has been here all of three times in his life, telling me to watch my step. I don't mind telling you that if Biff decided to take me down, it would be no contest. He's a firefighter. There's no way I could take him. I'm not sure I could even take a librarian suffering from a head cold.
But here he is, challenging me. What do I do? If I piss him off, the whupping I'll get will put me in the hospital. But if I don't react in the right way, Biff will be in my face all night trying to provoke me. A rumble in the Old Dublin is a bad scene anyway you cut it.
So my split second decision was made. I squared off against him, looked him in the eye, a leveled a finger back at him "No man, FUCK YOU."
I could feel Kensington tense up next to me, I could see surprise in Biff's eyes. His buddies stopped what they were doing, waiting for his reaction and their cue. The moment hung there between us while Biff mulled it over in his mind. Then his hand shot forward and stopped in mid-air, wating.
"Good answer," he said. I shook his hand firmly and he lumbered back off towards the bar. I looked at Kensington who rolled his eyes.
It's a guy thing. It may sound stupid and infantile to many of you, but it's how men relate to each other. We can fight against it in the interests of social grace, but you can't completely wipe out the male instinctive response.
Then again, maybe I just need to get beaten up to remind me of the risks I take sometimes.