Slowly Dissolving
I realize that I've been lacking in my Pooh Loggian responsibilities, but it's just too damn hot to type/move/breathe/think. Please stay with me and we'll get through this together... promise!
There is actually something I've been meaning to log in the past few weeks and that is the tials and tribulations of a Slowly Dissolving Friendship. And yes, this is currently happening between myself and a "friend".
Friendships are bizarre things. They can be strong as steel at one time and then easily tearable as tissue paper the next. I have a few friends that I only see once in a blue moon and we act as if we had just seen each other yesterday. Over the course of our lifetime, we go through cycles with our friends. We're moving along our path and maybe our lives take a different turn and friends fall away, the common ground no longer being as common. Sometimes we can re-establish that friendship, sometimes we can't, sometimes we don't want to even try.
But then there's the friendship that slowly dissolves. It starts out strong, but somewhere along the way, one party decides that he/she wants out of this friendship or wants to take a step back. How this gets expressed can be subtle or blunt, but it's a painful thing to realize either way.
I started noticing this pattern in my friend over the past few months. She smiled less when I would arrive, conversation dropped off, she seemed more and more annoyed with the things I said or did, my efforts/contributions to situations seemed to disappoint her more than please her, attempts at conversation would draw a baleful look.
All of these situations sound like pretty obvious indicators that something is afoot, but I would just write them off as she's having a bad day or she's stressed out about something. But then I thought, "Maybe it's me. Maybe I'm doing something that she doesn't like" and so I started trying to change my behavior. I tried to be more neutral, less familiar. I tried treating her like I would someone I just met, being cautious.
Of course, by the time I had this revelation, it was too late. The damage was done and nothing short of disappearing from existence would solve the problem.
So now I have to learn to take some distance myself. I have to change how I see this person and how I relate to this person. This person and I share some common ground, so I can't not be in her presence, but I have to redefine my relationship with her so that we can still work together.
And anyways, she's a good person and I wouldn't want to lose her from my life completely. I just don't want to be a burden in her life so that it can make my life better.
Frienships can be tricky things, but ultimately, they are always worth the effort, no matter what direction they take.